Learner Profile Traits
As an IB student I am an Inquirer as I love to learn and grow as a student, through my MYP journey I have learnt how I can extract information from a variety or sources such books, interviews, campaign's, short films, article's, informative website's and lectures. Throughout my journey I have also slowly built independence in my learning through self management.

I aim to always develop my knowledge and because of the IB curriculum's structure I am aware of surroundings such current affairs, and the geography ad climate our world, as well as how it works due to the knowledge I have acquired in biology, chemistry, physics and math. I am also knowledge able about arts as I enjoy playing the piano, guitar, painting and coding.

Throughout my MYP journey though the teachings ot the curriculum I have become more open-minded, I interact with a diverse group of people and continue ot learn from them and their practices. I am also not afraid to try something that is different from what I am use to an because of that I have gained some of the most amazing experiences.

I am a thinker, as I use the knowledge I learn and apply it in real life, the IB curriculum has been a huge influence in this because it has taught me the real life application of academic such as in criterion D. I use such knowledge to solve challenges in life though creative and innovative methods. For example through the knowledge I learnt in math i was able to understand the architecture of my home.

I am able to effectively communicate my thoughts, learnings, and passions as I actively participate in class discussions, speak up for causes I care about in extracurriculars like MUN, and able to communicate my thoughts to peers in group work. I able to communicate though a variety of methods such as speeches, applications, powerpoint presentations, briefing papers, shot film and stories.

I am balanced as I engage in variety of extracurriculars other than academics, for example Model UN has been one of the biggest learning experiences for me. It has taught me how I can manage my work and manage such a time consuming club as well. I also do piano, guitar, and engage in service projects such as yearbook, tuckshop, and for the menstruatoer, all of which have contributed to me meeting a diverse group of people, and create long lasting frenships.

I am a risk taker, as I am not afraid to bet on myself. At the start of the year I took the decision to take extended mathematics even-though I did not perform so well in the placement tests, through hard work and determination i am able to grasp concepts better at the end of the year, and show much improvement in my grades.

I am collaborative as I am able to listen to different opinions, work with a variety of peers and learn from them. This can be seen in my service project where I had to work with a group of 5 other people and had to collaborate with the for 2 years to build our final web application aimed to provide academic support in our school. By learning from my peers I was able to improve my coding, marketing, and powerpoint skills.