Approaches to Learning
As part of For the Menstruator I have been able to go to various schools and talk about resuable pads, and teach various girls the importance of menstual hygine. To do this repectfully and effectively communicate with the girls I have had to develop social skills, where I am able to lesten and learn from me, so that the have the same attitude towards me.
I continue to learn total of 7 languages (Urdu, Gujrati, Punjabi, French, English, Sindhi, and Arabic) this is due to the fact that I have lived in a variety of places growing up including, Karachi, Hyderabad, Dubai, Fujairah, and Mombasa. Speaking a variety of languages not only allows me to communicate with a variety of people, but also feel a sense a belonging with different communities. The languages I have learnt are like souvenirs of the places I have stayed in.

Ever since I started my journey in the IB curriculum one of the things that I have learn is research skills. This is as every project I have done, or every report, or essay has needed APA citations from a variety of sources. This has taught me the difference between credible and non credible sources, and has taught me how to extract information. In addition in Digital Design I have learnt how to create a research plan, and in humanities I have learnt various methods and sources combined, together which enable me to make a very precise and effective research plan. I have also learned how to evaluate my sources using origin, purpose, value, content and limitations, so that I can calculate how useful a source really is. In addition as an IB student I have also learnt to create an action plan for my research, in every subject we learnt how to develop a research question, to justify its relevance, to get methods of data collection, etc. All this has taught me how I can plan my research to get the best possible use out of my resources and time.

Due to the rigorousness of the IB curriculum I learnt self management skills, this is as we often had many deadlines due at the same week, or same day, and had other assessments and assignments in class as well. To manage all of this I had to learn how to schedule all my time effectively and plan out the work I had to do well. To complete my Digital Design E-Portfolio on time for example, I would go to my Digital Design teacher every day and complete work, as well as get guidance on the work I completed. Similarly to complete Physical Health Education on time my partner and I would have one session everyday after school so we could submit work on time. Such scheduling of work helped me submit both of my E-Portfolios on time as well as study for Mock Examinations, even-though I came a month late in January to resume school.


Y10 ME :)